Hama Blu-ray Laser Lens Cleaner

€ 11,28*
Prijs per stuk
Aantal: Bestellen
  • Blu-ray lens cleaner for gently cleaning the laser optics inside a Blu-ray player or the PS3
  • 3 micro brushes remove dirt particles which compromise the playback quality of video and audio media
  • With 7.1 surround sound test

    Frustration free packaging
  • Easy to open
  • Environmentally friendly packed in a paper envelope

    Note for Consumers:
    Not suitable for car radios/navigation systems
    Insert the cleaning disc into the Blu-ray player in the same you would a normal disc. Ensure that the cleaning brushes face downwards. The arrow on the disc must point forwards.

  • Medium: Blu-Ray



€ 0,00 

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1 - 2 werkdagen

€ 11,28 *
Prijs per stuk
Aantal: Bestellen

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